I was a guest on the Colts' weekly radio show, "The Last Word," where we discussed the 2019 season, my community involvement, and thoughts on last year's rookie corners.
Taking time away from football after the end of the season:
I used most of January to do that. I went back home and settled down, had fun with my family, talked with them a lot. Because during the season you get so far away from communicating with family and worrying about yourself and worrying about being the best player that you can be and best person that you can be away from home, and you kind of forget about family. So we just use this offseason to try to be intentional as much as we can with the people that have supported us our entire life, and just showing them that I appreciate (them) for letting me be who I am during the season so that we can have a good time out of season. And my family understands that, and I appreciate them for that.
Read the full article on Colts.com.